'Portable energy generation and storage solutions for natural disasters, cyclones and remote off-grid environments'
'The world energy poverty solution connecting third world and developing nations through a sustainable energy solution'
Humanitarian Efforts - the Island of Fiji
PPS units were deployed to Fiji post Cyclone Winston. The PPS units are fully functional within minutes allowing the villages to regain communication including charge phones, operate computers and connect to the internet, refrigerate food, operate medical devices and power their children’s schools.
The village had zero ongoing costs for this power. The PPS is powered by any solar panels. So, as long as the villages have access to sunlight, they had access to power. PPS units are diverse and can also be charged via alternator, mains power, generator or other sources of renewable energy such as wind.
The village had zero ongoing costs for this power. The PPS is powered by any solar panels. So, as long as the villages have access to sunlight, they had access to power. PPS units are diverse and can also be charged via alternator, mains power, generator or other sources of renewable energy such as wind.
To find out more about our solar relief solutions and applications you can call 0437 289282 or email [email protected]